Outlook 2003: Creating a Rule to Route SPAM 

Worcester State College scans all incoming email and identifies potential spam messages with the following prefix: [spam][spam].

You can use this [spam][spam] prefix in Outlook to direct items flagged out of your inbox and into a folder of your selection.  This is accomplished by creating a rule in Outlook.

Step One: Launch Outlook

From your computer, launch Outlook.  Note that you cannot create rules in web-based Outlook, LancerMail.  The spam routing rule that you create in standard Outlook will work in LancerMail, however.


Step Two: Create the Rule

In Outlook, double-click on the Tools menu item and select the Rules and Alerts option:

In the Rules and Alert window, select New Rule


Step Three: Defining the Rule

In the Rules Wizard pop-up window, select the Start from a blank rule option:

 Click the Next button to display the rules conditions fields.  Check the with specific words option located in the selected subject field:


 In the Step 2: Edit the rule description field of the Rules Wizard window, click on the blue specific words hyperlink:


 Enter [spam] in the Specify words or phrases to search for field.  When done, click the Add button.  [spam] will be added to the lower Search list field:


 When done, click OK.


Step Four: Define Rule Routing

Clicking OK returns you to the Rules Wizard window.  In the select options field, check the move it to the specified folder option. 

In the Step 2: Edit the rule description field of the Rules Wizard window, click on the blue specified folder hyperlink. Click on the Deleted Items folder and then click OK.  This will return you to the Rules Wizard window:


Step Five: Finishing Up

In the Rules Wizard window, click the Next button twice.  When the Rules wizard finish screen is display, click the Finish button:

In the Rules and Alerts window, click the OK button:


Step Six: Using the Spam Routing Rule

Clicking OK in the Rules and Alerts window enables your spam routing rule.  Once this rule is enabled, all messages with the [spam] prefix automatically will be routed to your Deleted Items folder.  Periodically, review the contents of your Deleted Items folder.

To empty your Deleted Items folder, right click on the folder and select the Empty Deleted Items Folder option.






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